Thursday, March 4, 2010


We've been doing a lot of talk about students reading. Whether it be a textbook, trade book, novel, fiction, etc. And it got me thinking, do students not like to read because of the wording in the books or do they just not like to read? I think back on my childhood and I loved to read it allowed me to use my imagination and sort of create my own story in my mind that went along with the words. When i would come to words I didn't understand i would just skip over them or make up my own meaning whether it was right or wrong. My point being i didn't let the words keep me from reading. I think most students today do not have a drive for going to school or doing things that relate back to school i.e. reading. With technology on such a high rise, books have a lot of competition and using lose out to ipods, psps, PlayStation's, and all the other gadgets out there. The question is now how, do educators incorporate these new technologies into their classrooms and how do we get students to like and want to read books again?

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